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CHILdren's Church

Taking place during the worship service, Children's Church is a great way for kids to connect with each other and God in an age appropriate meeting.




Children begin with their parents in the adult worship service, then leave after the first set of music for their own service in the Kids Center.

AGES 4-10


Youturn Student Ministries is a group of young people from the Modesto area who are seeking to love God, love others, and make disciples who make disciples. We're choosing to make a "you turn" from what the world wants and expects from us and we're doing our best to follow Jesus and his plan for our lives. And, we'd love for your friends to join us! Are you ready to make a You Turn?


Meets in the youth room on Wedneday nights, 6:30-8:30 pm.

6th-12th GRADE
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